Tuesday, October 20, 2015

20th October

Hello My Dearest,

I hope that life in The City finds you well today.  I'm enjoying the warmer weather, and have even opened a door!  How lovely.

Last night (as you probably know), I spent the greater part of the evening in pursuit of an inflated orb.  I do not feel that I was particularly successful in my endeavours, but unlike last week, I did not collide with anyone or shed any blood (my own or others'.)  We must take these small victories where we can.

I begin to think that I shall have to take the carriage to Mr Kroger's market today.  I never really enjoy such activities, but we seem to be out of nearly everything that isn't either a condiment or no longer edible (and possibly mildly toxic.)  I hope I do not die of boredom.  Mayhap there will be something of interest there.  Should I purchase some celery root?  Mr Elton claims to love it, but I find myself skeptical.  I think I will err on the side of caution and delve no further than the grand adventure that is fennel, at least for now.  I have not really even decided what to purchase.  Nothing inspires.  But I suppose I should feed the family, if only occasionally.

But enough of my tiresome ennui.  I find myself decided upon looking out for Cousin Winry's Apple Pie receipt.  Shall we make it when next you are home?  I am nearly tempted to make a practice one, but what if it were to turn out wonderfully and you were not here?  That would, indeed, be a tragedy.  I do not think I could live with the guilt.

Your brother is having sushi rice for his lunch, and I will admit that your youngest sister and I breakfasted upon the same.  For some reason, I was moved to cut stars of ham to place on top of the rice in his lunch case.  I shall give the "ham sprue" to the beggars who live in the woods.  The same goes for the Swiss Cheese sprue.  I rather think they will enjoy it.

Pippa was intrigued to see that the fiery green paste known as wasabi (they say that it is "blessed by the devil" to obtain its fire, but I do not believe in such nonsense) can be purchased in "gigantic" tubes.  She insisted that I show you this massive tube in comparison with her normal sized one.  I have not the heart to tell her that it his her own that is the oddity and not the other way 'round.  Please excuse her mode of dress; she is going through what I believe is called an "experimental" phase.

Your middle sister has only one class today, but I believe she is meeting with the Lady Scientist to discuss matters for the Science Club. (Leaf club?  Bulb?  STEM!  Yes, I believe that is it.)  She will be retrieving your brother from his carriage lessons this evening, as I will be teaching and attending my regular classes in the Fighting Arts of the Orient.  It is a huge help that she is able to command a carriage on her own.  I do not know what we should do otherwise, for I should not like to employ a driver.  They are so often of a crass nature.  And Irish.

Well, I must end here.  Your sister needs some small help with her mathematics, and then we must away to the hated market.  Do let me know if you think I should attempt the pie. 

With much love,


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