Wednesday, October 21, 2015

21st October

Hello My Dear!

First, I would wish you the happiest and most restful of Wednesdays.  I am sorry that your College does not allow observance of our Holy Day, but I am grateful that you do not have to rise too early, and that you have but the one class.  Would that it were not Social Anxiety 901!  But we cannot always be the masters of our own fate - at least not in matters such as this.

I am observing the rites as best as possible, and have set the indentured servants to their tasks (for they cannot - nay WILL not operate without at least some aid and supervision.)  They are even now humming at their work.  I am glad that they have not our tradition of observance.  I find it is best to employ heathens if for this reason alone.

As you can see, I did not perish at the market yesterday, although there was a man shouting rather stridently somewhere out of our sight, and your sister was more than a little alarmed.  (I will admit to taking a strong cup of  tea, myself, once we returned home) However, I do not believe he meant to harm anyone.  I think perhaps he only had some sort of malady of the brain.  At any rate, I found two items which may be of interest to you.

 The first is a chocolate hazelnut cheesecake spread for - well, for eating with a spoon if I am to be completely honest, although it is also very palatable when spread on the little animal shaped biscuits that we favour. I am afraid that between your brother, two sisters, and myself, we devoured fully half the jar before the day's end!  I will attempt to preserve the rest (or at least a portion of it) for you to sample upon your return.

The second item is a sort of pillowy, pumpkiny cereal good.  Pray, do not be disturbed by the image upon the package.  As far as I am able to discern, it contains no actual bird meat.  As you must know, now is the time of year when one can find nearly any kind of foodstuff imaginable reinvented to include the flavour of the large orange gourds favoured by these North Americans.

All this talk of food puts me in mind that I have yet to peruse the archives for Cousin Winry's Apple Pie receipt.  If I find it, I will send you a copy by Steam Post for your evaluation.

And in a decidedly non-food vein, I must disclose that yesterday's adventures included a voyage of discovery into the icebox, which proved most distressing indeed.  I considered sending some of the more outstanding samples of my findings with your second sister so that she might study them with her Science Club, but in the end I did not, for fear of contravening Geneva Convention.

You might like to know that the Beggars who live in the woods took yesterday's offerings of ham and cheese, along with some popped corn.  I did not see them, nor did they leave any sign of gratitude, but I have come to expect such things.

Well, My Darling, one of the servants has just sung the "I Am Done" song, so I must go and attend to that and instruct her in her new task (and no doubt do all the heavy lifting for her as well!)  I hope that you have the most Wednesdayest Wednesday possible.

All my love,


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