Thursday, October 22, 2015

22nd October

Hello My Darling,

I hope the day finds you well!  I have already dragged one of the servants throughout the whole of the living room and up and down the stairs to clean the floors.  I should dearly love to discover whomever had the notion of carpeting stairs so that I could hunt him down and wring his neck for him.  Truly, what an idiot he must have been!  Or perhaps he was simply a sadist.  I fear we shall never know as he is probably long dead.  (Side-note: look into development of time-traveling device - also into circumstances of death for inventor or stairway carpeting.  If I find he died of having his neck wrung, it will be telling indeed!)

Your brother and second sister (elder-younger?  I know not how to call her, in truth) are off to their classes, and your youngest sister is engaged in mathematical struggles of her own.  We shall away to the library soon enough, though, for it is Volunteering Day.  I do not know what they will have in store for us today.  Last week we were set to sorting beads by colour for some project or another, which I found to be a strangely soothing activity.  We were also tasked with the dressing of a door to make it appear as a mummy.   I hope it has not frightened any of the small children.  That is unlikely, though, because we ran out of supplies when were were not yet half done.  More than likely, the children will simply believe that there has been an accident involving a roll or two of the loo paper one sees so often in these parts.  (I do think that a lovely invention, as the Sears Catalogue was a bit brittle for my liking.)  I hope they do not try to recreate something similar at home, for then we should catch it for putting ideas into their little heads!

Yesterday I engaged myself for part of the day in the making of tiny sweets for the Little People.

I feel that the larger lollipops leave much to be desired, but they taught me a thing or two.

Last night we had some rain and a spot of some rather spectacular lightning, but it did not last for long.  Did you have any rain or storms in The City?

Bentley allowed me to brush him and even trim his nails today.  Will wonders never cease?  Wheatley, meanwhile, amuses himself with a fluffy yellow ball (I suspect that it was once a Sparkle Ball in its heyday) and with stealing pieces of your sister's new puzzle.  Jet's course of medicine is nearly finished (he is much the better for it!) and Puffin simply IS, which she does exceedingly well.

I look forward to collecting you from The City this evening!  After that, perhaps you will wish to accompany me in collecting your brother from his final carriage-driving class.  Do you feel brave enough to allow him to drive us home?  I find that he is coming along admirably, though i would desire him to be a bit more commanding, lest the carriage develop notions of its own.

I have found several receipts for Cousin Winry's Apple Pie.  Perhaps you will be able to assist me in discovering which is the correct one.  I have also been introduced to an amazing young man who makes televisual feasts.  You may think I exaggerate, but I assure you that I do no such thing.  And his parents appear to be positively delightful.  Perhaps we shall meet them at some party or another.  I do hope so, for his mother is an admirable chef, and one can never have too many of such friends!  Never fear, though; I shall not try any designs to throw you into his path, for I know you do not desire such things.  There, now.  Count yourself fortunate that I am nothing like Lizzy's meddling mother!

And so I leave you with this.  Until tonight, My Dear!

Much love,


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