Wednesday, December 16, 2015

16th December

My Precious Darling,

You will hardly countenance what has happened after the incident with the Highwaymen, but I must inform you, regardless.


Is it not too, too much?  It is for me, that is certain.  I cannot fully recount the horrors; it is too traumatic.  Suffice it to say that there was much blood, some rending of flesh, and an uncanny amount of flying fur.  The smell of gunpowder still lingers.  It is not altogether unpleasant.  I have sent you a picture of my wounded nose, as you may recall.  Only that and my pride took a blow, which is more than can be said for the wolf-men.

I know not how they came upon our house, for it is not their wont to leave the forest, but I returned Sunday night to find them lying in wait for me.  There was a large one, clad in red silks and wearing double golden hoops in both ears, who seemed to be their leader, so it was he whom I targeted first.  Once I had disposed of him, confusion reigned.  I was able to rid the Earth of 3 more specimens before the remainder fled.  I have kept the hoops as a trophy.

As part of my recovery, I have made myself a Strengthening Soup, which you see here.  It was quite delicious!

The Henriksons come to visit this night, and I have not yet told them of the attack, for I want not that they should think ill of our situation in this neighbourhood.  Was it very wrong of me?  I am not concerned for their safety, for once the leader had died, the remaining wolf-men seemed to lose all sense of purpose.  I believe that without him, they will neither re-form their group, nor attack.

Your sister, Katrina, today accepted an offer of employment at the Javanese alchemist's.  She is much pleased, for she is in great need of more money now that she has been accepted into the College to which she earlier applied.  She will learn much about the Dark Art of Brewing, I am certain. 

Your sisters and brother are now on a break from their studies, and I look forward to collecting you tomorrow!   Oh, what Fun we shall have!  Until then!

All My Love,


Thursday, December 10, 2015

10th December

Hello My Darling,

I still revel in not being lost in the cold, dark wood.  I have treated myself to several cups of strong, hot coffee since my misadventures there.  I thought it therapeutic, too, to take up some knitting, and so I made a festive Christmas hat for Durango as you can see here:

I did not have a pattern, but I think it looks well on him, and he was happy to have it.  He asks, though, that I make a shirt the next priority, and I quite agree.  Pippa and Kiki have said that they would like to have some hats, too, so I shall have to use my time wisely.

I was so happy to hear that your week is progressing quickly.  Have you perchance gotten another glimpse of Miss Moomintroll?  I should dearly love to see a photograph of her, should the opportunity arise.

This morning, Wheatley took it upon himself to climb to the top of the Christmas tree and remove the star by means of some violence.  It crashed down onto Rupert's cage, which must have startled the poor creature, though he did not come out to investigate.  I have not yet replaced the star, for I believe I should devise some means of securing it, first. 

I must cut today's epistle short, as I will be seeing you this evening, and I must prepare to take the carriage to fetch George from his lessons.  I am glad that the fog has gone, for that way lies through the Glimmer Forest, and I have not yet fully recovered from the disaster in Martin's Wood!  Mrs Burberry has informed me that trained alligators are become highly sought after as traveling companions for the purpose of security.  Have you heard of this notion?  I certainly had not!  I should imagine the alligators to be nearly as dangerous as the Highwaymen - nay perhaps more!  She did specify that the beasts are carefully schooled, but in my experience, one can never be quite certain what an alligator is thinking, and I should not deem it an advisable solution.

I come to fetch you tonight!  (Never fear - you will not find an alligator upon entering the carriage!)

All My Love,


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

9th December

My Dearest Girl,

How can I apologise for my criminal neglect to write these many days?  Perhaps you will forgive me when you understand the circumstances which led to my prolonged silence.


I was beset upon by Highwaymen of the most rancorous nature imaginable! On Monday after luncheon, I took the carriage with the intention of paying a visit to the Armstrongs, but I went the long route through Martin's Wood, for I wished to collect some of the Morel Mushrooms which grow there, as you know.  I was wearing my Blue Silk, which is a shame, for that was my favourite gown.  I had come almost to the place where the mushrooms grow, when I heard a blood-curdling scream, and the carriage jolted to a stop.  The door was wrenched open, and rough hands grasped me and yanked me from the carriage.  I was in shock, My Dear, I will admit it.  I had been quite incapacitated before I knew what was happening, and the Ruffians dragged me through the wood - no doubt toward their Awful Lair.  But then, though my hands were secured behind my back, my years of practise asserted themselves and I succeeded in thwarting my attackers by use of the Fighting Arts of the Orient.  As I had only my legs to rely on, my poor gown was quickly besmirched and torn, but my attackers soon measured their lengths upon the forest floor.  I am not ashamed to say that I was too squeamish to put an end to them, but I did leave them lying there in a stupour.  I freed my hands and ran to put as great a distance as possible between myself and them before they could become sensible, but I was lost.  Lost in the great expanse of Martin's Wood!

I wandered the Wood in hopes of finding some familiar landmark, but to no avail.  I had no hope of taking my bearing from the sun, for this last sen'night we have been beset upon by a thick grey fog which creeps in as evening draws near, and which seemed even more impenetrable in the woods.  Finally prudence took hold, and I stopped in a hollow, collected some quantity of wood and attempted to build a fire.  I still had my reticule if you can countenance it!  The ruffians had taken it, but before running, I collected it from one of the bodies as it lay there stupidly on the ground.  Inside the reticule was my Firelighter - the one with the novelty image of the pickled cucumber.  I had brought it purposely to show to Miss Catherine, as she had expressed a desire to see it.  If that seems to good to be true, you are nearly correct.  Try as I might, I could not start a fire.  I was at the point of weeping with frustration, when finally, Finally, the leaf mould caught and I was able to feed twigs of increasing size to the flames.  I was eventually able to build a large fire, and I was very grateful for the warmth, for my fingers had gone quite numb!  It occurred to me then that perhaps I could use the fire as some sort of signal, for dark had closed in by now.  And so I fed the fire until it was roaring furiously, and I had to keep well back.  By now I was hungry and thirsty and exhausted from the dragging about of so many large logs.  I had qualms that the Highwaymen might be attracted by the light of my beacon, but I weighed the risks and found that the benefits exceeded the dangers.

I was able to keep my fire blazing for some hours before I began to think that I must sleep, when who should come to my rescue but Alex Armstrong!  I don't know that I have ever been so happy to see another human in my entire life.  He kindly refrained from comment on my terribly disheveled state, and took me to his manor, where I was well fed and given a hot bath and a change of clothing.  Heaven!

The Armstrongs kept me until the next evening in order to ascertain that I was fully recovered, then brought me home in their carriage.  Your Father has taken a group of Armed Men to Martin's Wood in order to reclaim our own carriage.  He believes it can be salvaged.  Oh that the same could be said of my Blue Silk.

But now you will understand, and perhaps forgive my long silence.  I look forward to collecting you tomorrow! 

Much Love,


Thursday, December 3, 2015

3rd December

My Dearest Girl,

Your sister Katrina has been accepted to the college of her dreams.  We are all of a flutter!  And that is all the post you shall get for the day, for I am off to pick up George, and then I shall come to collect you My Dear!

I leave you with this completely unrelated animated historic record:

All My Love,


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

2nd December

My Darling Daughter,

 I hope this letter finds you well.  All are well here at home.  We have had a small quantity of snow, but nothing much.

The Armstrongs have encouraged me to add a strengthening regimen to my day, and so you must expect to find some unusual equipment around the family home upon your return.  Most notable is a device which allows one to strengthen the arms and torso by means of lifting oneself up by use of the arm muscles alone.  It is most invigourating!

Today, as I found that I was not required at the Armstrongs' manor, I busied myself with the making of something for the Little People.  Here you see my final creation - a Pillow with ruffled edge and a Pocket containing a Bear.

I passed by Mrs Bennett's house today and took the opportunity to peek in at the windows in hopes of catching a glimpse of Sebastian there, but to no avail.  If she has managed to ensnare him, she is keeping him well hidden.  At least for the time being. 

I received a package from the Orient the other day, but have not yet opened it, being undecided whether or not to wait for Christmas.  It is possible that it might contain some clothing for Durango, but I am uncertain.  As things stand, he will still be in desperate need of clothing when his ship arrives.   I know that Sebastian would be able to whip up something appropriate in next to no time were he here.  Alas.  I have thought about  talking to Mr Wooster about parting with his man, Jeeves, but it would seem to be a waste of time, for I feel that they are quite devoted to one another.  Perhaps, though, his man could put me in contact with a good agency.  I shall continue to think on this.

I am afraid I have not much more to write on today, but I shall be seeing you tomorrow and am glad of that!

Your Loving,


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Post Script

My Darling Girl,

You will never believe it.  I have located Durango!  He is in Scotland!  I made arrangements for his immediate passage as soon as I had notice, and he took ship today.  He should arrive within a sennight.  Now I am all in a frenzy of sewing, for it appears he has no wardrobe and I cannot allow him to go about naked as a savage (or a Pict!)  I have found some patterns that should look quite wll on him.  I believe he will be in need of a pair of spectacles, too, but that will have to wait until his arrival to make sure of their strength.  I am so pleased that he will be here in time for his first proper Christmas with us.

The mitts for Prussia are going more slowly than anticipated, but I have nearly finished with the first.  I have only 2 rows of ribbing left and it will be complete.  I think the arrangement of the colours very pleasing, and I believe the second will go more quickly than the first now that I have some experience with the unusual method of construction. 

~You see here another fragment I had thought to have finished.  Save me from myself.

1st December

Hello My Darling,

December has arrived in a sluice of showers.  Actually, it's more of a dreary drizzle, but regardless of what one calls it, the out-of-doors is rather damp.

Your sister Katrina was interviewed for a job at the Town Library today.  All seemed to go well.  We shall see in time what will be the result.  She has been stalking the Post Man in eager anticipation of an acceptance letter from her college of choice, but as they were only supposed to be sent out today, none, of course, has been forthcoming as of yet.

The Armstrongs are faring well in their clean-up of the ruined part of their domicile, but there was another attack made yesterday.  The perpetrator was seen to be wearing a white suit as he fled the scene.  Nothing much was hurt, but three of their holly bushes were somewhat trampled, and there was evidence that he was attempting to place some explosives near the main entrance.

Also, I have had some success in the breeding of the dragons.  I had initially thought to sell the offspring, but I find that it is difficult to do when they are so beautiful.  Perhaps I shall let them mature first.  That will bring up their value at any rate.

Rupert had a nail trimming and a bath today.  Whilst he was thus occupied, Bentley crept into his cage and began devouring his foodstuffs.  Previously, he had occupied himself with terrorising Knitler.  At least he is busy.

Can you discern how dull I am feeling today?  I think perhaps it is the weather.  Or perhaps the fact that I did not sleep too well last night.  I should dearly love to stay in this evening, but it is my night to teach the Fighting Arts of the Orient, and I have a class to take as well.  I know that I will enjoy it, but right now I desire nothing more that a cup of drinking chocolate and a seat by the fire with my knitting.

I despair now of Sebastian ever arriving.  I am quite certain that he was waylaid by that overambitious Mrs Bennett.  I have half a mind to employ a combination of stealth and my Fighting Arts to procure him for myself!  I even thought - only briefly - of employing Mr Kim Blee to aid me in this pursuit, but there are some levels to which no one should ever stoop, no matter how desperate.  Please remind me of this when next you are home.  And speaking of that - I come to collect you in only 2 days' time!  Hurrah!

I shall try to have more news for you next time.  In the mean-time, I shall be exceedingly lazy and leave you with this wonder of scientific achievement:

All My Love,
