Monday, November 16, 2015

16th November

Hello My Dearest,

There is not much news to impart, but I will tell you that I am still endeavouring to acustom myself to the new manner of operating the plumbing in the kitchen.  It feels decidedly decadent to be able to command a stream of water - either cold or hot! - with the merest movement of a lever.

I was so pleased to hear that you have received approval on your classes for the new semester.  How delightful!  I had wanted to pursue some artistic efforts of my own today, but so far I have been much engaged in dealing with the servants &c.  (Hazel remains much improved!) I hope now, though, to at least make some progress on the mitts for my Prussian friend.  I have had to pull them out and begin again after finding a mistake, the result being that now I must knit with true fervour.

Mr Ho remains at large, and so I spent some time in raking leaves and pulling weeds, but it was a lovely day, and I found that I did not truly mind the exercise.  I discovered that there is some very dry wood put by for a fire or two.  Perhaps we should light the brazier out-of-doors when next you are home if one of the evenings should prove conducive.

I am well pleased with my work over the week end in making a small cupboard of sorts as well as some books for the Little People.  I think they are satisfied, too.  I really must convince Pippa to change out of her pyjama top.  I know not why she insists on continuing to wear it at all times.  I understand that she is rather taken with the penguin, but my indulgence has about reached its limit in this matter.

You may have noticed that Kiki is holding an unusual object.  Your brother George made it today during one of his lessons.  Apparently the students were all instructed (briefly) in the Japanese art of intricate paper folding.  I think he made it exceedingly well!

I hope to have more to tell you tomorrow.  Perhaps I will find Mr Ho, but truthfully, I despair of it.  If it is sunny again, I may well find myself tidying the gardens a bit more. 

I hope this letter finds you well.  I am as always,

Your Loving,


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