Thursday, November 5, 2015

5th November

Hello My Darling,

Well, this is a day that shall not soon be forgot.  I find myself wondering whether Mrs Next-Door started her bonfire early, for this morning, there arrived not one, but two ambulances!  But as there were no fire wagons, I shall assume that it is once again her brittle health that is the cause.

I must apologise for not writing yesterday.  In the morning, I felt very dull indeed, and by the time the afternoon had arrived, I found myself compelled to take the carriage in every direction imaginable in order to collect and deposit your siblings at their various engagements.  I should have found it all too trying, were it not for the fact that Miss Hughes was able to call for some time, and we were able to carry out some contracts together.  I hope to be able to do the same with you this evening.  I find it most invigourating.

I take some comfort from the fact that during all my driving about I was able to make a breakthrough in my story, such as it is.  No doubt you shall hear all about that when I collect you this evening, unless you can stop me from telling you.

Today, Daphne and I shall do our Volunteering work at the Town Library.  I know not what they have in store for us, but I suspect that it will involve turkeys in some form or another, as now that Hallowe'en is past, American Thanksgiving looms large against the horizon.  At this time of the year, one sees infestations of turkeys in every place one chances to look.

On the subject of infestations, Wheatley was in a bit of a frenzy this morning, rushing about so that his toes squeaked against the kitchen floor.  I failed to see the object of his pursuit no matter how I looked.  It is almost enough to make one believe we might have a Pixie problem.

Oh, My Dear!  I received communication from the lady who purchased your clay bird, and she is Delighted with him!  She has named him Chauncy, which I think suits him very well, indeed.  I shall have you read her letter in full when you are at home.  Please remind me to give you the monies you earned from his sale.

In spite of the dullness I felt yesterday, I was at least able to complete a Little Person-sized afghan for our shop yesterday.  I'm not certain that Pippa can be convinced to part with it, however.

I am so delighted by its texture that I am quite of a mind to make a large one for our own use!  Also in regards to the shop, perhaps you would not mind modeling the chunky scarf I made?  I think that our woods would be a nice setting in which to make the photographs.  I know you have not so many trees in The City, but here where it is less settled, Fall hit with a vengeance yesterday.  Leaves were fluttering and swirling every which way, and the colours are simply lovely.  I hope that we can make the photographs tomorrow, for obviously it will be too dark when you are at home this evening.

Oh, and tomorrow George has not any lessons, for it is Credentialing Day, and since neither you nor Katrina have classes either, I shall give Daphne the day off from lessons as well.  Hurrah!

Well, I must attend to the business of the day, and before I know it I shall be departing to collect you!  Until then!

Your loving,


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