Tuesday, November 24, 2015

24th November

Hello My Dear,

The excitement continues, as The Armstrongs' house suffered some extensive fire damage today.  They have lost the entire West Wing to the flames! I know not how this came to be, but some are beginning to whisper that they believe Miss Pettigrew to be the source.  Nonsense, I say, for she would not hurt a fly.  In fact, I have known her to actually collect compromised flies and feed them on sugar water.  No.  It cannot be her doing.  I suspect that it is someone who is trying to set her up as an arsonist.  Someone with a bone to pick.  Can you not think of a person who fits that description?  Shall I say it?  Yes.  I suspect it to be Mr Kim Blee.  Do you perhaps remember how incensed he was upon her taking up residence in the property which was, until so recently, her home?  Everyone knew that he had planned to buy it for years, and then to find that it had been left to her by Mrs S upon her death - well,  I was in town on the day that Mr Blee learnt the news, and he was most terrifying to behold.

The Armstrongs are well.  No one was hurt in the fire, and all 13 cats spend their time predominantly in the East Wing, and as such were completely unaffected.  Miss Olivier says that only one of them deigned to raise his head from a nap when the fire wagons came.  There is probably some joke to be made about the Cat and the Fiddle and fiddling on whilst Rome burned, but I have not the energy to disinter it at present, for I have done enough digging with the Armstrongs today.  To be honest, I felt quite useless.  Both Mr Armstrong and his strapping son are capable of throwing around timbers as if they were matchsticks. I caught even the youngest girl, Catherine, lifting out a grand piano from beneath the rubble!  But, though I was insufficient to most of the lifting tasks, I believe that I was able to offer Mrs Armstrong some succour at least.  And I did spend rather a lot of time soothing the cats, though they did not really seem in much need of it.  I provide photograhic evidence here:

I am quite looking forward to our excursion to the art gallery tomorrow.  The Armstrongs have entrusted me with a family portrait which they are lending to the gallery as they feel that it will be safer on those premises for the time being.  I hope that you will be able to meet us at the gallery cafe for luncheon!

Well, My Sweet, I find that I am exhausted from the exertions of the day, so I shall make my ending here, content in the knowledge that I will see you tomorrow!!

All My Love,


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